API Automation with Rest assured using (Python + BDD)

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API Automation with Rest-Assured

In this blog, our experts share quick steps that will help you to automate API with Rest-Assured by use of Python + BDD.

Let’s start with the simple steps!

Step 1: Install Required Libraries

  • Behave: Behave is the BDD (Behavior Driven Development) testing framework for Python. | pip install behave
  • Requests: The requests library is commonly used for sending HTTP requests. | pip install requests
  • Behave Rest API: This is an extension for Behave that provides support for testing REST APIs. | pip install behave-rest-API (For Installation)
  • Jsonpath-Rw-Ext: Jsonpath-rw-ext is a library for extracting values from JSON responses using JSONPath expressions. | pip install jsonpath-rw-ext (For Installation)

Step 2: Write Feature File

  • Create a feature file (e.g., features/API.feature) using Gherkin syntax:

Feature: API Testing with RestAssured

  • Scenario: Verify GET Request

Given the API base URL is “https://smalltool.example.com”

    When a GET request is made to “/endpoint”

    Then the response status code expected 200

And the response should contain “expected_content”

# features/put_request.feature

  • Feature: Update an existing resource using the API
  • Implement Step Definitions

Create step definitions to link Gherkin with Python. For example, create a file named steps/api_steps.py:

Get Request

from behave import given, when, then

import requests

base_url = "https://api.example.com"

@given('the API endpoint is "{endpoint}"')
def step_given_api_endpoint(context, endpoint):
    context.endpoint = f"{base_url}{endpoint}"

@when('a GET request is sent')
def step_when_get_request_sent(context):
    context.response = requests.get(context.endpoint)

@then('the response status code should be {status_code:d}')
def step_then_check_status_code(context, status_code):
    assert context.response.status_code == status_code, f"Expected {status_code}, but got {context.response.status_code}"

@then('the response should contain user details')
def step_then_check_user_details(context):
    user_data = context.response.json()
    assert "user_id" in user_data, "User ID not found in response"

Post Request

  • Write Feature File

Write a feature file (e.g., features/api.feature) using Gherkin syntax:

Feature: API Testing with RestAssured

Scenario: Add a new user

    Given the API endpoint is “/users”

    When a POST request is sent with user data

    Then the response status code expected 201

    And the response should contain the new user’s details

  • Implement Step Definitions

from behave import given, when, then

import requests

base_url = "https://api.example.com"
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

@given('the API endpoint is "{endpoint}"')
def step_given_api_endpoint(context, endpoint):
    context.endpoint = f"{base_url}{endpoint}"

@when('a POST request is sent with user data')
def step_when_post_request_sent(context):
    user_data = {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "john.doe@example.com",
        "role": "user"

    context.response = requests.post(context.endpoint, json=user_data, headers=headers)

@then('the response status code should be {status_code:d}')
def step_then_check_status_code(context, status_code):
    assert context.response.status_code == status_code, f"Expected {status_code}, but got {context.response.status_code}"

@then('the response should contain the new user\'s details')
def step_then_check_new_user_details(context):
    new_user_data = context.response.json()
    assert "user_id" in new_user_data, "User ID not found in response"
    assert new_user_data["name"] == "John Doe", "Incorrect user name in response"
    assert new_user_data["email"] == "john.doe@example.com", "Incorrect email in response"
    assert new_user_data["role"] == "user", "Incorrect user role in response"

Put Request

  • Write Feature File

Write a feature file (e.g., features/api.feature) using Gherkin syntax:

Feature: API Testing with RestAssured

Scenario: Verify put request

Update user information

    Given the API endpoint is “/users/1”

    When a PUT request is sent with updated user data

    Then the response status code expected 200    

And the response should confirm the user details have been updated

  • Implement Step Definitions

Create step definitions to link Gherkin with Python. For example, create a file named steps/api_steps.py:

from behave import given, when, then

import requests

base_url = "https://api.example.com"
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

@given('the API endpoint is "{endpoint}"')
def step_given_api_endpoint(context, endpoint):
    context.endpoint = f"{base_url}{endpoint}"

@when('a PUT request is sent with updated user data')
def step_when_put_request_sent(context):
    updated_user_data = {
        "name": "Updated User",
        "email": "updated.user@example.com",
        "role": "admin"

    context.response = requests.put(context.endpoint, json=updated_user_data, headers=headers)

@then('the response status code should be {status_code:d}')
def step_then_check_status_code(context, status_code):
    assert context.response.status_code == status_code, f"Expected {status_code}, but got {context.response.status_code}"

@then('the response should confirm the user details have been updated')
def step_then_check_user_details_updated(context):
    updated_user_data = context.response.json()
    assert "user_id" in updated_user_data, "User ID not found in response"
    assert updated_user_data["name"] == "Updated User", "Incorrect user name in response"
    assert updated_user_data["email"] == "updated.user@example.com", "Incorrect email in response"
assert updated_user_data["role"] == "admin", "Incorrect user role in response"

Delete Request

  • Write Feature File

Write a feature file (e.g., features/api.feature) using Gherkin syntax:

Feature: API Testing with RestAssured

Scenario: Delete user by ID

    Given the API endpoint is “/users/1”

    When a DELETE request is sent

    Then the response status code expected 204

    And the resource should be successfully deleted

  • Implement Step Definitions
Create step definitions to link Gherkin with Python. For example, create a file named steps/api_steps.py:

from behave import given, when, then
import requests

base_url = "https://api.example.com"

@given('the API endpoint is "{endpoint}"')
def step_given_api_endpoint(context, endpoint):
    context.endpoint = f"{base_url}{endpoint}"

@when('a DELETE request is sent')
def step_when_delete_request_sent(context):
    context.response = requests.delete(context.endpoint)

@then('the response status code should be {status_code:d}')
def step_then_check_status_code(context, status_code):
    assert context.response.status_code == status_code, f"Expected {status_code}, but got {context.response.status_code}"

@then('the resource should be successfully dele0ted')
def step_then_check_resource_deleted(context):
    # Additional checks can be added to verify that the resource has been deleted
    assert context.response.status_code == 204, "Expected a 204 status code for successful deletion"

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